Preparation of financial

Financial reporting: which is right for your business?
Every business needs reliable information and its financial indicators - but different types of business require different types of financial statements prepared in accordance with different requirements. For example, consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), a reporting package prepared for the parent company in the United States in accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. Another requirement may be the submission of your statutory financial statements within ten days after the end of the year.
The choice of reporting method depends on a number of factors:
  • Do you need to file reports in accordance with IFRS or foreign accounting regimes?
  • What degree of independent verification of accounts is required by external users? Are these reports auditable?
  • How satisfied are management and business owners with the accuracy of in-house financial statements?
Depending on your answers to the above questions, you can use the services of Moore Stephens Tajikistan for the preparation and consolidation of reports. Whatever you decide, we will cover all your needs:
  • Compilation of financial statements
  • Financial reporting audit support
  • Translation of financial statements